About Me

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I am a sinner saved by grace.I am constantly trying to improve my life. I am perpetually redecorating my 3 bedroom brick home. I love to craft & run.. Very slowly.


Monday, December 5, 2011

Hello...Is it me You're Looking for?

Yeah it's been a long time since I wrote... .. I'm sorry I've been living life.. I am sorry I am the ultimate blog slacker. But I'm never that great at keeping in touch anyway...That's who I am and how I roll. But there is always room for change. I have all these conversations in my head ( yeah I'm kind of crazy) So instead of talking to myself inside of my head I can blog it... makes me less crazy right? There is tons of stuff.. good & bad that has occurred in the months that I haven't blogged. It's super freaking crazy, but that's life right..or is it just mine?

Something that I'm truly proud of is that I trained for and ran my first half-marathon! What-What! Training was definitely a time for me & God to rock out together. He spoke to me in ways that totally blew my mind as he often does. I'll share some of those things in a later post.

My last post was about me cutting off my hair... I have quite the impressive fro now. My mom has stopped looking at me like a bald-headed stepchild.